little girl smiling with white teeth

Space Maintainers in Tyler, TX

Space maintainers are small oral appliances that fit around two teeth at a time. They are used when a baby tooth is knocked out too early, usually by accident. Space maintainers are simple preventive treatments that can make a huge difference in a child’s dental health. To learn more about space maintainers or schedule your child’s next visit with our team, please contact us!

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How do I know if my kid needs a space maintainer?

If your child has a wiggly tooth that either fell out on its own or was pulled out, it’s likely that they will not need a space maintainer. This is because the adult tooth underneath should be ready to grow in and replace the baby tooth. However, if your child was involved in an accident where one or more teeth were forcibly knocked out, a space maintainer may be required. We recommend checking to see if you can see any adult teeth breaking through the gums, but it’s also a good idea to schedule a quick visit with our team after a dental-related accident anyway.

girl holding magnifying glass over her teeth

How long will my child need a space maintainer?

Space maintainers are used to hold space open until an adult tooth is ready to break through the gums and begin to grow in. This means that space maintainers may only be needed for a short period of time, or they can be used for quite a while, depending on when the adult tooth is ready to grow in. It’s a good idea to check their gums periodically to see if you can see a tooth breaking through the gums. We will also assess your child’s teeth and space maintainer during routine dental visits to either remove it or ensure that everything looks good.

three children in a classroom

Are space maintainers really necessary?

Space maintainers are very simple devices, but they can be very effective when it comes to preventing restorative and orthodontic treatments from becoming necessary. If a tooth is lost too early, the nearby teeth can begin to shift and start to close the gap. This can cause crowding and prevent the adult tooth from growing in correctly. Rather than scheduling additional dental treatments down the road, space maintainers hold space for the adult tooth to grow in, and then they can be easily removed once they are no longer needed.

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